GRATA International leads Kazakhstan rankings in Asialaw 2022 rankings
The recently published edition of asialaw 2022, the definitive guide to Asia's leading law firms and lawyers, released its recommendations and identified legal experts in practice areas and industry sectors across 23 jurisdictions in Asia-Pacific.
Mining 2021: Kazakhstan
According to the latest official statistics, the "mining and quarrying" sector (excluding the production of oil and gas) plays an important role in the Kazakh economy, with a contribution of 4.9% to the country’s GDP based upon the results of 2019.
GRATA International ranks high in Asialaw Profiles and Asialaw Leading Lawyers 2021
The team of GRATA International was ranked among the best firms in Kazakhstan and placed in the highest tiers - "outstanding" and "recommended".
GRATA International spoke in Astana Legal Forum 2020
On June 26, 2020 was held the Astana Legal Forum. The forum was held in 3 parallel sections in an online format.
Coronavirus in Kazakhstan: Ways to Mitigate its Legal Effect on Business
On 15 March 2020, the President of Kazakhstan (“RK”), K.K. Tokayev, signed a decree introducing state of emergency in Kazakhstan (“SE”) from 16 March to 15 April 2020. The decree is likely to cause contractual defaults, termination of contracts, sanctions, losses and litigation/arbitration in Kazakhstan and possibly abroad.
Mining Law 2020: Kazakhstan
The mining sector plays an important role in the Kazakh economy, at 13-14% of the country’s GDP and more than 20% of
its exports.
GRATA International in Chambers Global 2020
Following the release of Chambers Global 2020, one of the most reputable international legal directories identifying best legal experts across the globe, GRATA International solidifies its position as one of the leading law firms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by entering rankings in six countries.
What You Should Know When Purchasing an Oil&Gas or Mining Company
The sale and purchase of oil and gas or mining companies are one of the most complex transactions. There are many nuances in checking the acquired asset, obtaining transaction permits from state authorities, and taxation aspects. The article outlines the main practical tips for committing such transactions in Kazakhstan.
Partner, Representative of GRATA International Moscow
Almaty, Kazakhstan