
Apart from the experience in private sector, Baky has worked in the public sector for the past few years where he has obtained: 

  • the ability to competently draw up legal and procedural documents, as well as conduct business correspondence;
  • experience in legal support of commercial activities for both legal entities and individuals; 
  • practical skills in support of transactions (general contracting, contracting, design expertise, performance of work, provision of services, sale and purchase, supply of goods, rent, etc.);
  • experience in representing interests in arbitration court and court of general jurisdiction;
  • knowledge of contractual, corporate, tax, labor as well as licensing law;
  • experience in preparation of constituent documents and procedures for registration, liquidation and reorganization of legal entities;
  • experience of collaboration with the migration service in obtaining the work permit for foreigners.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan