The first offline meeting of the “Banking & Finance” Committee in Uzbekistan
From May 16th to 18th, the city of Samarkand hosted the annual meeting and business forum of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), attracting representatives from various countries. The main objective of the event was to engage in discussions on critical matters related to economic development and investments.
The Insolvency Review: Kazakhstan
Kazakhstani legislation regulates insolvency of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Insolvency of private individuals has been considered by local legislators since 2014 but has not yet been introduced.
The Healthcare Law Review: Kazakhstan
The covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need to develop healthcare in Kazakhstan, in particular by increasing the number of healthcare facilities, modernising the existing ones and providing them with modern equipment, and by improving skills of healthcare personnel.
GRATA International Law Firm held online conference on PPPs in Eurasia
On December 2, 2021, GRATA International held the final international online conference: "Public-private partnership and infrastructure development in Eurasia: recent changes in legislation, main problems and opportunities" for this year.
Kazakhstan Data Breach
Data protection in Kazakhstan is mainly regulated by the Law of 21 May 2013 No. 94-V ZRK on Personal Data and its Protection ('the Personal Data Law'), Law of 24 November 2015 No. 418-V on Informatisation ('the Informatisation Law') and relevant subsidiary laws.
Energy law and regulation in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia and home to more than 18 million people.  As a country rich in coal, oil, natural gas and uranium, Kazakhstan’s economic focus remains firmly on its industrial sector and the extraction and processing of its natural resources.  There is also enormous potential for renewable energy in Kazakhstan, particularly from wind and small hydropower plan.
Overview of the current energy mix, and the place in the market of different energy sources
Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia and home to more than 18 million people. As a country rich in coal, oil, natural gas and uranium, Kazakhstan’s economic focus remains firmly on its industrial sector and the extraction and processing of its natural resources.
GRATA International assisted in preparation of the EBRD Transition Report
GRATA International assisted European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in preparation of the EBRD Transition Report on the legal and regulatory framework of state-owned companies across the EBRD regions.
The Impact of the Equator Principles on Project Financing in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The number of large infrastructure projects steadily grows in Kazakhstan. Potential investors and the State are looking for finance sources to implement the projects. On one hand, in many cases, in view of the amount of financing, international financial organisations are the most likely funding source. On the other hand, international financial organisations themselves often have an interest in project financing in Kazakhstan.
Astana, Kazakhstan