
Gulnur Nurkeyeva, Partner of GRATA International China is holding a course on Mergers and Acquisitions

On May 5 - 26 May, 2022, the AIFC Academy of Law jointly with Gulnur Nurkeyeva, GRATA China will represent a course on "Mergers and Acquisitions". This course is designed for lawyers, advocates, in-house lawyers and other professionals whose work involve exposure to common law systems and jurisdictions. 

Format: online (Zoom).

Duration: 6 hours (4 lectures of 1,5 hours).

Language: English

The course will be an overview of:

- What takes place during M&A process

- The key players of a M&A and the roles they fulfill in the transaction

- The due diligence that is applied by parties that are interested in purchasing a company through M&A.


Lecture 1:  M&A Legal Environment Negotiation phase: NDA, term sheet, LOI and other agreements.

Lecture 2: The Legal and compliance due diligence, Red Flags, role of the legal officer. The sale purchase agreement and escrow arrangement, representation and warranties, covenants, indemnification, governing law, dispute resolution and arbitration etc.

Lecture 3: Regulatory Considerations: Antitrust, anti-monopoly compliance. Other approvals: i.e. subsoil users, AIFC regulations, foreign-exchange control, Cross-Border Transactions.

Lecture 4: Closing the deal: Shareholder’s agreement, Article of Association, re-registration. Practical examples and Case Studies.

Course Information (the course Brochure) is here.

Read more here.

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