
Almat Daumov, Partner of GRATA International will moderate the British-Kazakh Society webinar

Tomorrow, on September 6, 2022, the BKS Webinar: Kazakhstan - Investment Climate and Recent Government Policy will be held.

Time: 12:00 - 13:00 London Time.

This webinar will be dedicated to the discussing how the recent tax changes in Kazakhstan will affect the business environment in country. There will be covered the many important factors such as government objectives behind the tax changes and tax code amendments.

Almat Daumov, Partner of GRATA International Almaty office will be the webinar moderator .

The discussion between the speakers will be followed by a live Q/A session where will be the  opportunity to communicate with the experts and deliver questions. There will also be available a simultaneous translation to the Russian language.

Registration Link: https://www.bksoc.org.uk/.../kazakhstan-investment...

Contacts: Almat Daumоv
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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