
There have been introduced amendments and alterations to the Customs Code of Uzbekistan

The Oliy Majlis on the twentieth plenary session approved the Law “On amendments and changes to the Custom Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” on October 21, 2021 (the “Law on amendments”). Articles 70 and 81 of the Custom Code have been amended and 10 new articles have also been included. New articles introduce pre-trial settlement of disputes between the customs authorities and entrepreneurs.

The following includes proposed main amendments and alterations:

  • simplifying custom control;
  • reducing the period of custom clearance from three days to one day;
  • canceling the procedure for issuing permits required for the placement of goods and vehicles under the relevant customs regimes.

In addition, new amendments introduce simplification of the customs duties` payment and also the list of imported goods that are exempted from taxation. 

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