
Update on recent events in Kazakhstan [as of January 19, 2022]

Dear clients and colleagues, 

As many of you know, the recent events in Kazakhstan caused temporary disruption to our direct communications with clients as the internet connection was not fully available in most parts of the country. 

Nevertheless, GRATA maintained its commitment to ongoing projects. Utilising the firm's IT infrastructure and cross-officecorporate practices, teams in other countries of the network were able to provide a near seamless service to clients with urgent Kazakh law matters.

The situation has now stabilised and all offices in Kazakhstan are fully operational. Our team apologises for any delays that might have been caused by the latest events and would like to thank you for your ongoing trust and support. 

GRATA’s rapid and effective response to the disruption once again demonstrates the advantage of engaging a multi-office law firm in the region. We all use the same IT platform backed-up offshore and deploy firm-wide standards and client-management system.Each office of GRATA is ready to act as a “one-stop-shop” and remains dedicated to providing high-quality legal services to companies worldwide no matter how challenging the circumstances.

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