
Regulation on the application of the Convention on Temporary Admission has been approved

The State Customs Committee has approved the Regulation “On the application of the Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul, 26 June 1990)”. The Regulation defines the procedure for the convention on temporary import in customs control and customs clearance of goods on the customs border of Uzbekistan.

The predominant feature of applying the ATA carnet is the exemption from customs clearance fees and customs payments, this prerogative can be exercised if the conditions of Annex A to the Convention on Temporary Import Documents (ATA Carnets and CPD Carnets) are met while observing one of the following annexes:

  • 1 “Concerning the goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events”;
  • 2 “Concerning professional equipment”;
  • 3 “Concerning containers, pallets, packings, samples and other goods imported in connection with a commercial operation”;
  • 5 “Concerning goods imported for educational scientific or cultural purposes”;
  • 6 “Concerning traveler’s personal effects and goods imported for sports purposes”.

The regulation stipulates circumstance where the customs authority can accept the carnets ATA as a financial guarantee of the international level of the customs declaration and payment of customs payments and also as the document which testifies the implementation of obligations to customs authorities. Moreover, the Regulation outlines the types of customs operations available for implementation in relation to goods, when temporarily imported and exported from the country using the ATA carnet. It should be noted that the ATA carnet submitted to the Customs Authority must be completed in state language or Russian and in English (French).

The provision also regulates the following procedures:

  • declaration of goods imported using ATA Carnet;
  • extending the temporary import of goods temporarily imported into Uzbekistan using the ATA carnet;
  • declaration in case of return export (re-export) from Uzbekistan of goods previously temporarily imported using ATA carnet;
  • carrying out customs operations in the export of goods previously imported with the use of ATA Carnet and termination of the customs regime "temporary import" by re-export;
  • guarantees of payment of customs payments for goods temporarily imported into the territory of Uzbekistan, using the ATA carnet;
  • collection of customs payments for goods imported with the use of ATA Carnet in case of violation of the Convention;
  • declaration of goods for temporary export from Uzbekistan using ATA Carnet;
  • return import (re-import) into Uzbekistan of goods previously temporarily exported using ATA Carnet;
  • extensions of term of temporary export of the goods which are temporarily taken out from Uzbekistan with the application of the carnet ATA;
  • the procedure for exchanging the ATA carnet in the event of its destruction or loss.
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