
Customs posts for remote electronic declaration are created in Uzbekistan

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On simplifying customs procedures and further improving the organizational structure of state customs authorities” No.ПП-6310 dated September 9, 2021, uncategorized customs posts for remote electronic declaration are created.

Starting from October 1, 2021, the departments of the State Customs Committee for the Tashkent, Syrdarya, Kashkadarya and Khorezm regions, and from April 1, 2022 gradually other territorial departments of the State Customs Committee will carry out remote customs clearance of electronic cargo customs declarations.

From January 1, 2022:

  • overpaid or collected customs payments are returned to participants in foreign economic activity (the “FEA”) within 3 working days after the customs authorities’ decision to return them;
  • the minimum period of deferral or installment payment of customs payments is 14 days. During this period, no interest is charged, if the minimum grace period or payment by installments is exceeded, interest is charged in full for the entire period;
  • the practice of conditional release of goods is introduced before the completion of the examination to determine the code of goods in accordance with the commodity nomenclature of FEA, appointed by the customs authority, with the provision of prepayment of customs payments;

In addition, the Central Customs Laboratory with the status of a separate legal entity is created in the structure of the State Customs Committee. It will deal with the determination of the composition of nicotine-containing products and alcoholic beverages, provide services related to the examination and certification of goods, as well as conduct an examination of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and other types of forensic examination.

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