
Easier business for construction companies

Easier business for construction companies

This is related to the Decree No. 7 as well. The Government has recently shortened the list of construction activities subject to “attestation” (it is like certification, but different from the previous news item). A lot of “simple” construction works were eliminated from the list, like design works, doors and windows installation etc. So a lot of small construction companies that perform just internal works will be able to perform their activities without the special certificate. This is mostly interesting for the companies whose special certificate is going to expire soon. You do not need to prolongate it.

Please note that this does not affect the necessity to have the production control system in the organization and the certificates (these are the certificates of compliance from the previous news item) for their works.

Kind of a “bonus” is that the construction customers do not need to have special certificates anymore (almost always). Now without the special certificate they can sign the contract with the contractor, approve the design documentation, contact with state authorities before the start the construction works, sign the accounting documentation after the works are performed. But we still recommend to keep the contract with your engineering organization, unless you have a specialist in your company. Because in order to see all the necessary details in the closing documents (acts, invoices, design documentation etc.) a person must have special knowledge (not legal, but technical).

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 21.03.2014 No. 252 “On certain issues of the attestation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, directors, specialists of the companies and individual entrepreneurs performing the construction works”

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