
English law system will be introduced in the Navoi region

English law system will be introduced in the Navoi region

The authorities of Uzbekistan decided to introduce a system of English law in the Navoi free economic zone. The Minister of Justice of Uzbekistan Ruslan Davletov said this at a meeting with the Vice-President of the British Law Society Simon Davis in London, the press service of the ministry said.

The system of English law is based on the use of judicial precedents - court decisions on specific cases in the past. In fact, this right is created by the courts. Along with the precedents in England use the statutes - acts of Parliament, but they, in fact, are sets of rules from judicial precedents. The legal system of Uzbekistan refers to continental or Roman-German law. In this system, the primary source of law is the law, the rules of law are clearly divided into sectors (for example, administrative, civil, criminal law), and the acts are ordered and assembled into codes. As in most countries of civil law, there is a Constitution in Uzbekistan.

The Navoi Free Economic Zone was established in 2008. Initially, the boundaries of the zone were limited to a site in the Karmaninsky district of the region, but in May, by the resolution of the President, the entire Navoi region has declared to the territory of the Free Economic Zone.

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