
Extension and tighten of special quarantine regime on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has issued a Decision to extend the special quarantine regime on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan until January 31, 2021. (Decision #488, dated December 08, 2020)

In accordance with the decision:

1. From 00:00 am December 14, 2020, until 00:00 am January 18, 2021, a tightened quarantine regime will be introduced throughout the country.

2. For the period of the tightened quarantine regime, transport traffic between the cities of Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Mingachevir, Shirvan, Absheron region and centers of Lankaran, Masalli, Jalilabad, Sheki, Zagatala, Guba, Khachmaz, Yevlakh, Barda, Bilaslyuvar, Ismailli will be suspended except for the movement of special and operational vehicles, trucks, agricultural vehicles, vehicles of the National Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the demining of territories, and persons who have received a special permit for inter-district and inter-city movement through the “icaze.e-gov.az” portal.

3. Baku Metropolitan’s operation is suspended until January 31, 2021.

4. During the tightened quarantine regime only supermarkets, grocery stores and pharmacies will serve clients. Delivery and online sales are permitted without restrictions.

5. During the tightened quarantine regime Azerbaijan will suspend on-site customer service at catering facilities, including restaurants, cafes and tea houses.

6. Individuals will leave their places of residence on the basis of an SMS sent to number 8103 or permission received through the mobile application "E-Təbib". The permit will be granted once a day for 3 hours.

Permission requests are sent to 8103 in the following cases:

Number "1" - in connection with urgent medical need and receiving treatment on any schedule;

Number "2" - to leave the house due to the need to use services in the areas activities of which are permitted.

Permission to attend the funeral of a close relative shall be received through the "102" Call Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

7. During this period, in compliance with a special regime, the activities of state bodies and organizations, the list of which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the implementation of activities in the following areas are allowed:

  • Health and social services - research and laboratory services, hospitals, clinics, veterinary services;
  • Infrastructure services - utilities, production and supply of electricity, water supply and melioration, telecommunications;
  • Transport and logistics services - transportation of goods, public transport, taxi services;
  • The main production areas - defense industry products, oil equipment and structures, raw materials, daily care and hygiene products, chemical products, oil and gas, metallurgical industries; construction and household appliances; engineering and design services; services for the repair and production of furniture, slaughter of live animals, supply, storage and wholesale of food products;
  • Retail and wholesale services - food products, pharmacies, gas stations;
  • Household services - collection and disposal of household waste, postal services, dry cleaning, car repairs and car washes, translation services, animal shelters;
  • Mass media;
  • Financial institutions - banks and currency exchange offices, insurance organizations, organizations providing payment and clearing services;
  • Types of special services - delivery services, repair of household appliances, computers and telephones, disinfection services;
  • Attorney services;
  • Hotel activities;
  • Holding official sports competitions in the open air without spectators and carrying out activities to organize preparations for international sports competitions.

8. The provisions of Decision No. 336 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 12, 2020 remain in force in the part that does not contradict this Decision.

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