
How to register a sick leave during state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic?

How to register a sick leave during state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic? What is the amount of benefits for temporary disability? Can citizens get tested for coronavirus? The answers for these and other questions are provided by the lawyer of Bishkek office of Grata International, Aidar Oruzbaev.

How to register a sick leave during state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic?

Due to the introduction of a state of emergency in the Kyrgyz Republic in the cities of Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, as well as in three regions of the country from March 25, 2020, most hospitals and family medicine centers switched to an on-site work schedule due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection. Currently, it is not possible now to see a doctor at the family medicine centers, especially if you have symptoms of coronavirus infection. In such cases, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic recommends calling a doctor at home by calling the hospital in which you are registered, either by calling the hotline of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the trust numbers of family medicine centers.

At the same time, doctors do not register a sheet of temporary disability (sick leave) on the spot, i.e. at home. The doctor, during an on-site visit, registers the fact of treatment or medical examination in the doctor’s journal, and also fills in your personal medical card. Many citizens keep their personal medical cards at home, although as a general rule, medical records must be kept at the registry of the family medicine center at the place of registration. Therefore, when you call a doctor at home, make sure that you have your medical card handy or ask the doctor to grab your card in the registry. In case your doctor decides to grant you a sick leave after examination, then he/she will do it for you from the day of examination. Retroactively, a temporary disability certificate, i.e. sick leave certificate is not issued. After recovery the patient needs to formalize (execute) temporary disability certificate by contacting the family medicine center if the patient has received treatment at home. In the event of hospitalization, the temporary disability certificate is formalized upon discharge from the hospital.

What is the amount of benefits for temporary disability?

In order to receive temporary disability benefits, the employee must provide the employer with a temporary disability certificate. We just figured out how to do it properly above. The temporary disability allowance is granted to the employee at the place of main work where an employment contract is concluded. The allowance is assigned for all working days of the period of temporary disability on the basis of a temporary disability certificate in cases of:

- disease or injury;

- caring for a sick family member;

- quarantine;

- sanatorium treatment and medical rehabilitation;

- prosthetics (orthopedic).

The amount of temporary disability benefits is determined as follows: for the first ten working days is determined by multiplying the average daily earnings for the three months preceding temporary disability by ten working days in the following order:

- 60 percent - to employees with a total work experience of up to 5 years;

- 80 percent - to employees with a total work experience of 5 to 8 years;

- 100 percent - to employees with a total work experience of over 8 years;

from the eleventh working day - at the rate of 50 calculated indicators per month (1 calculated indicator is 100 KGS). The main document for determining work experience is the work record book.

Can citizens get tested for coronavirus?

As of March 29, 2020, only those persons who arrived in the Kyrgyz Republic from foreign countries can get tested (smear) for coronavirus. Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign persons who have not traveled outside the Kyrgyz Republic since December 2019 are not given the opportunity to get tested for coronavirus. The only exceptions are those who came into contact with persons whose diagnosis of coronavirus has been officially confirmed. According to the information received from the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic as of today there are 84 confirmed cases in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In the Kyrgyz Republic at the time of provision of these comments, special medical documentation confirming the positive result of coronavirus infection is not provided.

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