
In Uzbekistan there have been approved regulatory acts in the field of international transport of goods using the transport international router carnets

In accordance with The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the approval of some regulatory acts in the field of international transport of goods using the transport international router carnets” dated December 2, 2021 No.727 (the “Resolution No.727”) there were approved the following regulatory acts:

  • Regulation on the application of the Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under Cover of the transport international router carnets dated 1975 (TIR Convention), which provides for the conditions for the application of procedures for international transport, the procedure for customs clearance when importing and exporting goods, as well as when carrying out transit traffic through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Administrative regulation for the provision of public services for the issuance of permits to carriers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the use of the transport international router carnets (the “Administrative Regulation”);
  • Regulation on the procedure for depriving foreign road carriers of the right to use the provisions of the TIR Convention and renewing such right.

In accordance with the Administrative Regulation, a permit for the use of the transport international router carnets is issued electronically and for an unlimited period.

To obtain a permit, the applicant sends an application to the Unified Automated Information System of the State Customs Committee through a single portal of interactive government services. The application is considered within 3 (three) business days. After consideration, the decision to issue or refuse to issue a permit is made by the relevant department of the State Customs Committee within 2 (two) business days.

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