
There have been established the liability for business activity without appropriate permits in Uzbekistan

The Law “On introduction of amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Licensing, Permitting and Notification Procedures”” No.ЗРУ-721 dated October 12, 2021 was adopted (the “Law No.ЗРУ-721”).

Article 53 of the Civil Code establishes that a legal entity can be liquidated by a court decision in case of carrying out activities without a license, performing activities (actions) without permitting document or without notifying the authorized body.

Moreover, in Article 289 of the Civil Code, it is indicated that the acceptance of movable property intended for personal consumption from citizens as collateral, as security for short-term loans, can be carried out as a business activity by specialized organizations - pawnshops operating upon notification procedure.

The liability for violation of legislation on licensing, permitting and notification procedures has also been established in the Article 165 of the Code on Administrative Liability. The Code on Administrative Liability has been supplemented by Article 2459, according to which the authorized bodies in the field of permitting and notification procedures, as well as the heads and deputies of their territorial divisions, upon revealing the above offenses, draw up a protocol on an administrative offense and send it for consideration to the court.

it should also be noted that Article 190 of the Criminal Code, along with the responsibility for engaging in activities without a license, establishes responsibility for engaging in activities without notification and permitting document.

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