
The Ministry of Justice published a draft of Presidential Decree "On measures to improve licensing and authorization procedures"

The Ministry of Justice has developed a draft of Presidential Decree "On measures to improve licensing and authorization procedures" (the “Draft Decree”) that aims to simplify about 1000 established bureaucratic processes. The Draft Decree plans to implement comprehensive measures to improve licensing and authorization procedures in two stages.

It is planned to reduce the number of licenses and permits for activities that do not damage citizens' health and society. It is also noted that from the beginning of 2021, it is planned to cancel the licensing of 100 activities and 35 types of permits. Moreover, it is provided for the abolition of the practice of requiring unnecessary documents from business entities and the simplification of administrative procedures through the digitalization of these processes.

The Draft Decree also includes the abolition of permits to attract foreign labor. Besides, the Draft Decree provides for the creation and implementation of a separate institution of notification procedures. When giving notice, individuals and legal entities undertake to comply with the requirements and conditions established by law and also confirm that their activities meet the established requirements.

In addition, it is planned to codify regulatory legal acts in the field of licensing and permitting procedures, the development of administrative regulations, and passports for the provision of services. Passports of licenses and permits will include basic information and requirements for starting an activity by an entrepreneur.

The Ministry of Justice was instructed to develop the «License» information system by 1 December, 2020, through which all licensing, permitting, and notifying procedures will be carried out, except for licensing and permitting procedures containing state secrets. Upon successful registration, the «License» information system shall provide each license or permit holder with a QR code providing the possibility of its online authentication.

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