
GRATA International at the VI Legal forum of the BRICS countries


October 14 - October 16, 2019 in Rio de Janeiro hosted the VI Legal forum of the BRICS countries.

The forum was co-organized by the Russian bar Association, the Brazilian Bar Association, the Indian bar Association, the Chinese law society, and the South African Law society.

Vladimir Komarov, a member of the official delegation of the Russian Federation, Managing partner of GRATA International Saint-Petersburg, made a report "Changes in corporate legislation in the Russian Federation" during the Forum.

In addition, the opening was addressed by Alexey KLISHIN, Chairman of the Commission of the Russian bar Association on legal issues with the participation of the Russian Federation, Prashant Kumar, President of the Indian bar Association, Marcus Vinicius Cuelho, Chairman of the constitutional law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, Claudio Lamakia, Chairman of the International Affairs Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, Zhang Mingzi, Vice-President of the Chinese law society, and Mwuzo Notiyoshi, co-Chairman of the South African Law society. President of the international bar Association (IBA) Horacio Bernardo Neto also spoke at the opening ceremony.

BRICS  - a group of five major developing countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. According to Goldman Sachs, by 2050 the total volume of the economies of the group of countries may exceed the total volume of the economies of the richest countries in the world (G8).

Contacts: Vladimir Komarov
Saint Petersburg, Russia
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