
On July 23, 2021, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Decree “On Ensuring the Activity of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO

On July 23, 2021, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Decree “On Ensuring the Activity of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan – AZPROMO” and on making Amendments to the Decree “On Further improvement of management in the field of export and investment promotion”, dated July 23, 2021, #1411.

The Decree approved the charter and structure of AZPROMO and established its charter fund in the amount of AZN 1000.000.

According to the Charter, AZPROMO is a public legal entity under the Ministry of Economy, operating in the field of export and investment promotion and providing a number of services to exporters and investors.

The Agency operates in the following directions:

  • participation in the formation of state policy on export and investment promotion and development of legal base;
  • participation in the process of creating a sustainable environment for exporters and investors to promote exports and investments;
  • participation in the implementation of programs and projects to promote exports and investments;
  • and many others.

The Decree also defines the governing bodies of AZPROMO, which are a Supervisory Board consisting of 7 members and an Executive Director. The chairman of the Supervisory Board is the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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