
On the adoption of a number of regulations concerning the introduction and use of cash registers

In order to ensure the improvement of the use of cash registers as part of the introduction of an electronic system for the fiscalization of tax procedures and the development of a tax administration system based on the results of the pilot project, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated April 8, 2022 No. 193 approved:

  • Procedure for registration and use of cash registers;
  • A list of entities that, due to the specifics of their activities or location, can carry out cash settlements without the use of cash registers;
  • The procedure for issuing a technical opinion for cash registers and the formation of a register of cash registers;
  • Model rules for the operation of cash registers;
  • Requirements for the operator of fiscal data;
  • Requirements for the maintenance centers of cash registers.

It was established that from May 1, 2022, cash registers that do not meet the Technical Requirements for cash registers with the function of working with a fiscal module approved by the authorized tax authority are not subject to registration in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Entities that have previously registered and use these cash registers have the right to use them until December 31, 2022.

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