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Amendments to labour code
Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “on Amendments to the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 7 May 2021.
GRATA International held a conference: Topical issues of antitrust regulation
We invite you to take part in an international conference on the topic: "Topical issues of antitrust regulation in the countries of presence of GRATA International".
GRATA International in IFLR1000’s banking and finance rankings
IFRL1000 has released its first of four group rankings as part of its 31st edition. Practice areas covered by this release include asset finance, banking and finance, bank lending, financial restructuring, financial services regulatory, and project finance.
GRATA Mongolia held a Doing Business webinar
On May 27, 2021, leading experts from GRATA International held an online webinar on Doing Business in Mongolia.
There has been adopted the Regulation on the procedure for the implementation of customs control and customs clearance of the main gas pipeline
The Resolution of the State Customs Committee and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.3295 dated on April 10, 2021 approved the “Regulation on the procedure for the implementation of customs control” (the “Regulation”), regulates the procedure for customs control and customs clearance of natural gas transported through the main gas pipeline.
Entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan will pay compensation for environmental pollution
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On further improvement of economic mechanisms for protecting the natural environment in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No.202 dated on April 12, 2021 (the “Resolution No.202”) determined the objects and subjects of compensation payments for environmental pollution and the amount of compensation payments.