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Uzbekistan will stop the import and export of ozone-depleting products
By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan No.126 dated March 9, 2021 approved a National Programme (hereinafter – the “Programme”) to eliminate the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). It prohibits the import and export of ODS, which also contain ozone-depleting elements.
Uzbekistan will initiate a new procedure for the review of legislation against corruption
Uzbekistan is pursuing a phased and targeted anti-corruption policy. The new provision was the next step in improving measures to prevent corruption. The Minister of Justice approved a new Regulation on the procedure for conducting anti-corruption reviews of legal acts and their drafts.
The long-term credit rating of Uzbekistan remains at «B1» level with stable forecast
The ongoing reforms of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 allowed to keep stable rating "B1" in the international rating agency Moody`s Investors Service (hereinafter - “Agency”).
Systemic improvements in the field of intellectual property of Uzbekistan
Within the framework of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to improve the system of protection of intellectual property objects” No.PP-4965 dated January 28, 2021 (hereinafter – the “Resolution No.PP-4965”), there has been envisaged lifting of existing restrictions, as well as measures for systemic improvement in the field of intellectual property.
The Law on Environmental Audit has been adopted in Uzbekistan
According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Environmental Audit” No.ZRU-678 dated March 15, 2021, the position of an environmental auditor has been introduced, whose function is to monitor compliance with regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.
The President of Uzbekistan signed the Law “On audit activity”
On February 26, 2021, the President approved the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Auditing” (hereinafter – the “Law”).