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Once again GRATA International Kazakhstan became the best Mondaq Contributor
GRATA International became a Mondaq Contributor With Most Reader Response In Kazakhstan in December 2020.
Partner of GRATA International Uzbekistan Nodir Yuldashev gave an interview to the journal of the AIAC
On December 31, the journal of the Asian International Arbitration Center (Malaysia), dedicated to online opportunities for the development of arbitration in Asian countries, published an interview with the participation of Nodir Yuldashev, Partner of the GRATA International law firm in Uzbekistan.
Extension of special quarantine regime and the term of the distant education on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan has issued the Decisions to extend the special quarantine regime and the term of the distant education on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan until January 31, 2021. (Decision # 510 and #511 dated December 26, 2020)
The government has approved a new Law on Ambient Air Quality
The document provides for a new concept for the creation of the National System for Integrated Monitoring and Air Quality Management throughout Moldova and introduces new principles for air quality management.
Moldova still needs external support to reform the "Railway of Moldova" State Enterprise (CFM)
According to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, the head of the department, Anatolie Usatii, discussed at a working meeting with the World Bank team and representatives of the CFM the reorganization of the enterprise and the problems the sector is currently facing.