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GRATA International held the meeting of the Working Group on Legal Issues at the CCI France-Kazakhstan
The online meeting of the working group on legal issues was held on April 14, 2020. Theme of the meeting: "Some issues of emergency in connection with the epidemic COVID-19."
Additional measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19: Limiting movement in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Decision #124 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 2, 2020 defines additional measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Task Force has been established to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Azerbaijan
Additional measures have been taken by the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Task Force released the following information, effective as of March 31, 2020:
To pay for the use of toll roads in Belarus will be possible for a certain period of time
On March 24, 2020, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Edict No. 108, according to which it is possible to pay for a specific period of use of toll roads in Belarus.
Amendments to the Law "On medical insurance”
The Law on Amendments to the Law “On medical insurance” entered into force on March 31, 2020.