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The constitutional court allowed to seize property from friends of corrupt officials
The relevant decision comes from the decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 02.10.2019 that the court refused to accept the complaints of the notorious ex-Colonel of the Ministry of internal Affairs Zakharchenko and his family, as well as friends on the constitutionality of certain provisions of the law, which were referred to in court.
The procedure for approval of interested party transactions has been clarified
On November 15, 2019, amendments to the Federal law "on joint stock companies" and the Federal law "on limited liability companies" came into force, regulating the new procedure for approving interested party transactions.
Law on "Success fees" for advocates passed
From March 01, 2020, it is planned to introduce a law fixing the "success fees" for lawyers, thanks to which persons with limited financial opportunities will be able to get the help of a qualified lawyer. The bill has already been adopted By the state Duma.
The arbitration court will be able to initiate a preliminary investigation of the actions of the participants of the arbitration process and other persons
23 Nov 2019 will enter into force the amended version of article 188.1 of the APC RF, which establishes the procedure for the court's particular decision in the case of violations of the law in the course of the trial.
Is the law on the Sovereign Runet so terrible?
On November 1, amendments to the laws “On Communications” and “On Information”, which are known as the Law on Sovereign Internet (Runet), adopted in the spring of 2019, come into force.
Legal Digest, October 2019
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