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An agreement was signed on cooperation with IFC in Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Finance signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (hereinafter referred as IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to provide consulting services to Uzbekistan on structuring and competitive bidding for a public-private partnership (hereinafter referred as PPP) project for the construction of a 1300 megawatt combined cycle gas plant in the Syrdarya region.
Mirziyoyev approved CIS agreement on anti-counterfeiting
The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a resolution to approve an agreement on the interaction of the customs authorities of the CIS member states in the field of protection of intellectual property rights. 
The program "Financing micro - small and medium enterprises" to be launched in Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, together with the German federal government represented by the KfW Development Bank, plans to launch the financial sector program “Financing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)” in the second half of 2020.
Holders of an investment visa receive a residence permit in Uzbekistan
By Presidential Decree from 17 January 2019, an investment visa was introduced for individuals who made foreign investments, and per the amendments introduced, the procedure for issuing this visa and related benefits was established.
Credendo classified the economy of Uzbekistan as highly liquid
The credit-rating Agency of Belgium Credendo has dramatically improved its valuation of the political and economic situation in Uzbekistan.