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Uzbekistan and Russia sign documents for US$27 billion
Uzbekistan and Russia signed almost 800 bilateral agreements and memorandums worth US$27 billion following the results of the first Russian-Uzbek forum of interregional cooperation.
Presidents of Uzbekistan and Russia launched nuclear power station construction project
A solemn event dedicated to launching the construction project of the First Nuclear Power Station in Uzbekistan was held at Uzexpocentre.
New rules for registering transactions
On 13 October, 2018, the regulation of the Minister of Finance on the provision of information on so-called above-threshold transactions to the General Inspector of Financial Information came into force.
Change of the rules for submitting financial statements by companies
As of 1 October, 2018, the rules for submitting company financial statements have changed. First, the reports must be in electronic form and, secondly, they must be signed by an authorized person.
Entry into force of the regulations on insurance distribution
On 1 October 2018, the Insurance Distribution Act came into force. It implements the EU IDD Directive (Insurance Distribution Directive) to Polish law.