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In Uzbekistan 42 licensing and permitting procedures are going to be abolished
In Uzbekistan, starting from June 1, 2018, licenses will be issued for an unlimited period, except for those related to drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and precursors, as well as cellular communication, radio and television broadcasting.
More free economic zones were created in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan is becoming more open to investment and foreign investors. Only in the last month, two more free economic zones were created.
Concept of tax reform for 2018-2020 published for public discussion in Uzbekistan
National Project Management Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan prepared a draft concept on radical reform of the tax system
Easier certifications rules are introduced
Long can we talk about the innovations of the Decree No. 7. In this month we would like to describe the simplified certification procedure for works and goods, as the new documents in this sphere were adopted in March.