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Turkmen Gas Expected to Reach India Via New Pipeline Project
South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE), a consortium of companies involved in deepwater pipeline projects, is planning a $5 billion undersea gas pipeline from the Gulf countries to India, according to the report by Financial Express newspaper on Tuesday.
Turkmenistan Proposes to Implement New Gas Supply Projects to China
President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the first "Central Asia - China" offline summit in Xi'an, proposed to continue to work on implementing new projects related to the supply of Turkmen natural gas to China.
Turkmenistan Boosts Gas Supplies to Azerbaijan via Iran
Iran held talks with Turkmenistan to import gas from the neighboring country. “Gas swap from Turkmenistan has doubled,” Hossein-Ali Mohammad-Hosseini said at a panel discussion on investment opportunities at the venue of NIGC.
Turkmenistan’s Goturdepe field Yields New Industrial Flow of Oil
The new well No.392 drilled by the Goturdepe Drilling Department of the Türkmennebit (Turkmen Oil) State Concern at the North Goturdepe field recently yielded a new oil flow.
Turkmenistan Works on Accession to North-South International Transport Corridor Agreement
Turkmenistan is currently working on its accession to the Agreement on the North-South International Transport Corridor, General Director of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Mammethan Chakiyev said at a meeting of the International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2023" in Kazan.
Kazakh President States Importance of Investments in Iranian, Turkmen Ports
President Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, during his speech at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, said Joint investments in the construction of infrastructure in seaports and dry ports of Iran and Turkmenistan will expand the geography of exports of the North-South international transport corridor.