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Belarus has modified the conditions for regulating consumer goods prices
Since October 2022, Government Resolution No. 713, which sets out the measures to regulate prices, has been in force in Belarus ( Price restrictions affect producers, importers and sellers of goods on the Belarusian market. The list of regulated consumer goods includes 330 items, including food, clothes, electrical goods, cars and spare parts, construction materials.
Turkmenistan will take part in the World Exhibition «EXPO-2025»
In order to further increase the international prestige of Turkmenistan, popularize its achievements in the socio-economic fields in the world, develop trade and economic relations with foreign countries in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of a powerful state, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution.
GRATA International attended the Astana International Forum 
On June 8-9, the Astana International Forum took place in Astana. The two-day event brought together the representatives from different countries, among which high-level delegates from foreign governments, international organizations (WTO, UNESCO, IMF, etc.), businesses who are working to find solutions to global challenges and promote peace and dialogue to maintain development and progress.
Turkmenistan adopted a regulation on licensing works for the production of building materials
President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a decree approving the Regulation on licensing work on the production of industrial building materials, products and structures, the official Turkmen press reports.
Delegation of Turkmen businessmen visited Romania
On 20-26 April 2023, a delegation of Turkmen businessmen  visited Romania. They took part in the following events and meetings, the Embassy of Turkmenistan to Romania said in a press release.
GRATA International is an official partner of the Franco-Kazakhstan Decarbonization Forum
On June 7, 2023, in Astana, at Nazarbayev University, the Franco-Kazakhstan Forum will be hosted in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Kazakhstan.