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GRATA International spoke at the meeting of the Tax, Customs & Law Working Group
On May 6, 2020, the Union of German Economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan held a working meeting in the framework of the Emergency period.
GRATA International in Nur Sultan held a joint webinar with AIFC
On April 21, 2020, a webinar on the topic «Covid-19: Legal Aspects under the Law of Kazakhstan and AIFC» was held.
GRATA International attended the annual AIFC Legal Talks event
On April 17, 2020, the AIFC Legal Talks event was held in webinar format on the theme: “How to use the AIFC Law online”.
GRATA International held the meeting of the Working Group on Legal Issues at the CCI France-Kazakhstan
The online meeting of the working group on legal issues was held on April 14, 2020. Theme of the meeting: "Some issues of emergency in connection with the epidemic COVID-19."