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GDP growth of Uzbekistan in 2020
The January issue of the World Bank’s report “World Economic Situation and Prospects” (WESP), justified the forecast of GDP growth of Uzbekistan for 2020 and amounted to 0.6%.
The government of Uzbekistan has adopted the Administrative regulation for the provision of public services for the issuance of hydrogeological conclusions
On January 8, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution “On measures of further improving the procedure for issuing permits for the use of underground waters”.
Amendments to the Legislation of Uzbekistan
Over the last month, a number of amendments were introduced to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, amendments were made to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to the Law “On Public-Private Partnership”. In addition, the Senate approved the Urban Planning Code in new edition and the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a new Resolution in the field of taxation.
Anti-crisis tax benefits are canceled in Uzbekistan
The anti-crisis measures envisaged within the framework of Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to support the population, business entities, catering, trade and services to reduce the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic No.UP-6029 dated July 20, 2020 and “On additional measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and business entities during the coronavirus pandemic” No.UP-5978 dated April 3, 2020 have been terminated from January 1, 2021.
Changes in the field of taxation in Uzbekistan
Tax privileges specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to support the population, economic sectors and business entities during the coronavirus pandemic” No.UP-5978 dated April 3, 2020 were included in the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Partner of GRATA International Uzbekistan Nodir Yuldashev gave an interview to the journal of the AIAC
On December 31, the journal of the Asian International Arbitration Center (Malaysia), dedicated to online opportunities for the development of arbitration in Asian countries, published an interview with the participation of Nodir Yuldashev, Partner of the GRATA International law firm in Uzbekistan.