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There have been approved Rules for trading crypto-assets on a crypto-exchange in Uzbekistan
By the Order of the director of the National Agency for Advanced Projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the rules for trading crypto assets on a crypto exchange” No. 3379 dated August 15, 2022, The rules for trading crypto assets on a crypto exchange (the “Rules") were approved.
There has been approved the Regulation on the procedure for licensing service providers in the field of crypto-assets in Uzbekistan
By Order of the Director of the National Agency for Advanced Projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the regulation on the procedure for licensing the activities of service providers in the field of circulation of crypto-assets” No. 3380 dated August 15, 2022, the Regulation on the procedure for licensing the activities of service providers in the field of circulation of crypto-assets was approved (the “Regulation”).
Uzbekistan has developed a special program for IT companies and specialists in the field of information technology
The company's activities must comply with the parameters of the list given in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to organize the activities of the technological park of software products and information technologies” No.589 dated July 15, 2019 (the “Resolution No.589”).
GRATA International Law firm held the online conference: Specifics of concluding a license agreement
On September 30, 2021, the conference: Specifics of concluding a license agreement in: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan was held.
A copy of the internet resource
Currently, the Ministry of Information is forming a list of Internet resources, access to which were blocked. In this regard, a new term "a copy of the Internet resource" was introduced in the Regulation on the procedure for blocking (restoring) access to the Internet resource.