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On the adoption of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the Park of Creative Industries"
The adopted Law of the Kyrgyz Republic dated August 8, 2022 No. 88 determines the legal status of the Creative Industries Park, management features and the procedure for its functioning.
AHK Azerbaijan in collaboration with GRATA International both Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan offices held a meeting to the members of AHK on July 22, 2022
Ms. Ummi Jalilova (Managing Partner of GRATA Azerbaijan office at the same time the Chairperson of the Construction and Infrastructure Working Group), made opening remarks and introduced the colleagues from GRATA Uzbekistan office to the participants of the meeting.
Ummi Jalilova, Managing Partner of GRATA Azerbaijan spoke on the meeting of the Construction and Infrastructure Working Group of AHK
The next meeting of the Construction and Infrastructure Working Group of AHK Azerbaijan was held on 29 June 2022 with the participation of about 30 company representatives. The meeting focused on Public procurement and reforms on the implementation of public procurement.
Chemical-industrial technopark “Chirchik” is being created in Tashkent
The President signed the Resolution “On measures for the creation of the Chirchik chemical-industrial Technopark in the Tashkent region” No.ПП-116 dated February 3, 2022 (the “Resolution No.ПП-116”).
There has been approved the procedure for organizing and conducting e-procurement in the construction industry in Uzbekistan
The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution “On measures to improve the organization and conduct of electronic procurement in the construction sector” No.6 dated January 31, 2022 (the “Resolution No.46”).