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GRATA International Kazakhstan Partner took part in MINEX Eurasia Mining
On November 28, 2022 in London, the 10th MINEX Eurasia Mining Conference was held in London, which attracted the experience of over 30 industry experts, senior officials and companies. During the conference was discussed the changes, challenges and opportunities in the mining industry in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, and mining hotspots in Europe.
Suspension of access to the Beneficial Owners Register for the general public
The Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property announced yesterday that access to the Register of Beneficial Owners for the general public is suspended.  This comes as a result of the landmark  Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEE) in joined cases C-37/20 and C-601/20, of November 22 2022.
GRATA International attends the 5th Anniversary Plenary Meeting of the Kazakhstan Canada Business Council (KCBC)
On November 25, 2022, Astana Samat Daumov, Partner, and Ainura Takeyeva, Counsel of GRATA International attended the conference dedicated to the 5th Anniversary Plenary Meeting of the Kazakhstan Canada Business Council.
GRATA International held an online conference: Contemporary issues in the field of protection of IP objects
On November 23, 2022, an online conference on Contemporary issues in the field of protection of IP objects in GRATA International countries:  Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan was held.
Regulation for provision of public services on confirmation of force majeure has been approved in Uzbekistan
The Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution “On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services to confirm force majeure circumstances (force majeure)” No. 625 dated October 28, 2022 (the “Regulation”).
Uzbekistan introduces digital labeling for water and soft drinks
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the introduction of a mandatory digital labeling system for water and soft drinks” No. 631 dated November 1, 2022 (the “Resolution No. 631”) introduces a phased digital labeling of water and soft drinks during 2023-2024