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On the issues of regulation of relations arising from the circulation of virtual assets
Based on the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 16, 22, No. 514, in order to regulate the relations arising from the circulation of virtual assets, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the following regulatory legal acts:
New Law "On licensing"
Till January 1, 2023 licensed activity is regulated by the Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.09.2010 № 450 "About licensing of some types of activity". Since January 1, 2023 licensed activity will be regulated by the Law "On licensing".
Regulation of prices of goods
On October 6, 2022 the Presidential Directive "On the unacceptability of price increase" was adopted. As a follow-up, the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 713 "On the system of price regulation" (hereinafter - the Resolution No. 713) was adopted. These acts established a ban on increasing of prices for most groups of goods.
Some customs duties for certain types of goods are canceled in Uzbekistan
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed the Resolution “On measures to create additional amenities for the uninterrupted supply of industrial production with raw materials” No. ПП-392 dated October 12, 2022 (the “Resolution No. ПП-392”).
Uzbekistan strengthened requirements for the protection of personal data
Cabinet of Ministers adopted a Decree "On approval of some legal acts in the field of processing personal data" No. 570 dated October 5, 2022
The Central Bank of Uzbekistan has approved the procedure for creating a special legal regime in the area of financial services
The Board of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan adopted resolution “On approval of the provision on the procedure of creation by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan of the special legal regime in the sphere of financial services”. No. 3391 dated October 4, 2022 (the “Regulation”)