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Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Amendments to the Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Code)
The Regulation on the procedure for granting land plots owned by the state has been approved
The approved Regulation determines the procedure for granting land plots owned by the state for use to individuals and legal entities, as well as state and municipal land users.
Uzbekistan ‘BB-’ Long-Term and ‘B’ Short-Term Ratings Affirmed
S&P Global affirmed ‘BB-’ long-term and ‘B’ short-term ratings of Uzbekistan.
GRATA Law Firm is recommended as one of the Leading law firms by Asialaw Profiles
Asialaw Profiles is a comprehensive guide to the leading domestic and regional law firms in the Asia-Pacific region. Asialaw Profiles 2015 is based on extensive consultation with the market.