
On July 7, 2021 President of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Decree “On new division of economic regions in the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated July 7, 2021, #1386

The purpose of this Decree is to rearrange economic regions of the country in order to increase the efficiency of economic management after the liberation of the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to the Decree the following division of economic regions was approved:

  • Baku economic region (Baku);
  • Nakhchivan economic region (Nakhchivan, Babek, Julfa, Kangarli, Ordubad, Sadarak, Shahbuz and Sharur);
  • Absheron-Khizi economic region (Sumgayit, Absheron and Khizi);
  • Mountainous Shirvan economic region (Agsu, Ismayilli, Gobustan and Shamakhi);
  • Ganja-Dashkesan economic region (Ganja and Naftalan, Dashkasan, Goranboy, Goygol and Samukh);
  • Karabakh economic region (Khankendi, Agjabedi, Aghdam, Barda, Fuzuli, Khojaly, Khojavend, Shusha and Tartar);
  • Gazakh-Tovuz economic region (Agstafa, Gadabay, Gazakh, Shamkir and Tovuz);
  • Guba-Khachmaz economic region (Khachmaz, Guba, Gusar, Siyazan and Shabran);
  • Lankaran-Astara economic region (Astara, Jalilabad, Lerik, Lankaran, Masalli and Yardimli);
  • Central Aran economic region (Mingachevir city, Agdash, Goychay, Kurdamir, Ujar, Yevlakh and Zardab);
  • Mil-Mugan economic region (Beylagan, Imishli, Saatli and Sabirabad);
  • Sheki-Zagatala economic region (Balakan, Gakh, Gabala, Oguz, Sheki and Zagatala);
  • East Zangazur economic region (Jabrayil, Kalbajar, Gubadli, Lachin and Zangilan);
  • Shirvan-Salyan economic region (Shirvan city, Bilasuvar, Hajigabul, Neftchala and Salyan).
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