
Procedure of public procurement by corporate customers has been changed in Uzbekistan

The President of Uzbekistan approved the Resolution “On additional measures to ensure transparency and increase the efficiency of public procurement” No.ПП-5171 dated on July 2, 2021.

The document introduces a number of changes to the procedure of public procurement by certain corporate customers pursuant to the special list.[1]

In particular, starting from July 5, 2021, the listed corporate customers shall:

  • place announcements of procurement procedures and information on the results of public procurements on a special information portal and in the media;
  • if the cost of goods (works, services) exceeds 25, 000 BCV (approximately 6 125 000 000 UZS), submit terms of reference and tender documents for procurement to the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for comprehensive expertise of projects and import contracts” under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction to conduct a comprehensive expertise;
  • review annual and quarterly schedules of public procurement, as well as lists of goods (works, services) planned for import, for the expediency of procurement at the meetings of the Supervisory Board.

In addition, the Resolution cancels the existing procedures of public procurement conducted directly or without tenders by the listed corporate customers pursuant to the decisions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers.

Also, to ensure the open and transparent implementation of public procurement, the Resolution established the Republican Commission in this area and approved its Regulation. The Ministry of Finance will act as the working body of the Republican Commission.

The Resolution instructed responsible State bodies to develop and adopt regulations on the pre-qualification selection of suppliers, including the introduction of an electronic system of recording the movement of material resources “E-ombor” (electronic warehouse) through the authorization of processes in the warehouse and transport logistics management system.

[1] Annex No. 1 to the Resolution of the President No.ПП-5171 https://lex.uz/docs/5489511

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