
Remote identification of non-residents when a current settlement (bank) account is opening.

From June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, a resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus will be in force, which establishes the possibility of remote identification of non-residents when they open current settlement (bank) accounts for settlements under foreign trade agreements with resident legal entities.

Identification will be carried out in relation to the director, chief accountant, other authorized person of a non-resident using the web-ID procedure (establishing a video link on the Internet).

During the procedure, representatives hold a passport (or other identification document) in front of a webcam to confirm the accuracy of the information previously submitted to the bank during customer identification activities and to compare the face of the client representative with the photo posted in the identity document.

The web-ID procedure will be carried out only after the submission to the bank of a foreign trade agreement, other documents (and their copies or images), information accompanying the execution, as well as other documents that the bank requests for identification within the framework of the adopted internal control rules (for example, a copy of charter, certificate of state registration, etc.).

Additionally, the resolution established the obligation of banks to amend their internal control rules in terms of regulating the procedure for identifying, verifying and updating the data of the above-mentioned persons.


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