
Limitation of the number of employees working in the specified areas under the special quarantine regime in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran, Yevlakh, Masalli, Jalilabad cities and Absheron region

The Decision #220 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 25, 2020, amends some provisions of the Decision #208 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional measures to tighten the special quarantine regime in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran, Yevlakh, Masalli, Jalilabad cities, and Absheron region” dated June 19, 2020.Under this Decision, the permissions to leave the place of the residence will also be allowed via new online-application, and the number of employees working in the specified areas will be limited.

Citizens will be able to get permission to leave the place of residence not only via SMS but also using the mobile application “E-TABIB”.

The number of employees involved in the following areas of work and services shall not exceed 50% of the total number of employees operating in those areas:

  • production of daily care and hygiene products;
  • production and repair of construction and household equipment;
  • engineering and design services;
  • production of packaging products;
  • production of stone, metal and wood products;
  • production of furniture and its repair;
  • zoo shops, including animal feed sales points;
  • points of sale of construction materials and household items;
  • online sales;
  • dry cleaning;
  • cleaning of residential buildings, except for apartments;
  • repair of cars;
  • car wash points;
  • animal shelters;
  • translation services.

The number of permits issued to those working under civil law contracts in the areas mentioned above shall not exceed 30% of the total number of people working under employment contracts.

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