
The draft amendments to the Constitution has been published for public discussion in Uzbekistan

The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis approved in the first reading the draft law on amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the “Draft”), after which the draft was published for public discussion on the portal “This is my Constitution.”

In total, the Draft covers more than 200 amendments and additions to 64 Articles of the Constitution, including 6 new Articles.

The Draft reflects such norms as the inviolability of a person and personal life, the protection of the honor and dignity of a person, human rights and freedoms and the extension of the presidential term from 5 (five) to 7 (seven) years.

Also, the Draft includes such concepts as personal data protection, freedom to search, receive and disseminate information, as well as the use of the Internet, inviolability and protection of property, including intellectual property; inadmissibility of unfair competition, monopolization and the right to unlimited income.

According to the Draft, the State guarantees freedom of economic activity, provides a favorable climate for investment and conditions for the development of entrepreneurship.

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