
The licensing procedure through a special electronic system “License” is introduced in Uzbekistan

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted resolution “On approval of a unified regulation on the procedure for licensing certain types of activities through a special electronic system” No.80 dated February 21, 2022, as well as resolution “On approval of a unified regulation on the procedure for issuing certain permitting documents through a special electronic system” No.86 dated February 22, 2022.

The following have been approved by the aforementioned resolutions:

  • Regulation on the procedure for licensing of certain types of activities and Regulation on the issuance of permitting documents through a special electronic system (the “Regulations”);
  • Approximate composition of the Board of Appeal for considering complaints from the competent authorities that make decisions on issuing or refusing to issue a license or permitting documents at the republican level.

The Regulations establish:

  • the requirements and conditions for carrying out of a licensed type of activity and activities for which permit are required;
  • the procedure for filing an application for a license or permitting documents, and their review;
  • the procedure for reissuance, extension of the term or amendment of the licenses or permitting documents;
  • the procedure for suspension, cancellation and termination of licenses or permitting documents;
  • the procedure for filing and considering a complaint against the decisions of the competent authorities and against the actions (inaction) of their officials;
  • the procedure for maintaining the register of licenses and permitting documents.

The Regulations entered into force on March 1, 2022.

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