
The procedure for registration of personal databases in Uzbekistan has been established

The registration of personal databases will be carried out in the manner established by the regulation “On the state register of personal databases”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 71 as of February 8, 2020.

The State Center for Personalization under the Cabinet of Ministers (the “State Center for Personalization”) has been named as authorized state body for the formation of the register, its maintenance and ensuring the integrity of its information. The State Center for Personalization together with the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications were entrusted with the task of introducing the Information System for maintaining the state register of personal databases in an online format within two months. The State Register will store a list of personal databases, registered by way of the owner and (or) operator filing an application.

The registration, modification and removal of personal databases in the State Register is free of charge.

Use and entry into the system for filing an application will be carried out through a unified information system for identifying users of the Electronic Government (id.gov.uz).

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