
The regular meeting of the Legal Working Group of the CCIFK was held at the office of GRATA International Law firm

On December 9, 2019, the CCIFK held a meeting of the Legal Working Group at GRATA International offices in Almaty and Nur-Sultan for heads of legal departments and lawyers of companies - members of the CCIFK. 

Ms. Leila Makhmetova, Counsel of GRATA International, and Ms. Zarina Malikova, lawyer of GRATA International gave a speech on “Agreement on the labeling of goods with certification tools in the EAEU: how it will affect business.”

During the meeting, CCIFK members discussed such issues as:

1) The list of goods to be marked;

2) Pilot marking projects in Kazakhstan;

3) The introduction of a marking system as a prerequisite for the development of the EAEU domestic market;

4) Basic principles of labeling in Kazakhstan;

5) Labeling methods for imports from the countries which are not EAEU members.

Meeting participants noted relevance of these discussions about forthcoming important novelties for business environment.


Contacts: Leila Makhmetova
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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