
Timur Berekmoinov participated in the 4th international conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” in Moscow

On October 17-18, 2019, the 4-th international conference on the “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” was held in Moscow, Russia, at the World Trade Center. The conference was held in a case-study format and was aimed at three industry conferences for IT Business, Pharmaceutical industry and FMGG sector.

The conference program includes four sessions:

  • Best practices in the creation, management and commercialization of IP objects;
  • Legal way to combat unfair competition;
  • IP issues in advertising;
  • Intellectual Property in the Digital Age: New Challenges for IP Lawyers.

Timur Berekmoinov, Counsel of the GRATA International Law Firm, participated in the conference as a delegate. The conference was dedicated to the topic: Patenting, protection of IT-solutions and innovations: Russian and foreign practice. "

Conference speakers were highly qualified legal practitioners of the largest foreign corporations and law firms from the USA, Russia, China and Europe.

Contacts: Timur Berekmoinov
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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