
Uzbek-European Association for Economic Cooperation is created

On November 12, the inauguration ceremony of the Uzbek-European Association for Economic Cooperation was held at the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belgium.

During the event, there was held a presentation of investment opportunities and projects implemented in Uzbekistan, as well as new mechanisms of work and interaction within the framework of the new association.

The Uzbek-European Association for Economic Cooperation is called upon to assist the European business community, as well as the official representatives of Uzbekistan in strengthening investment and trade cooperation, creating a more effective dialogue with potential partners and investors. One of the priority areas of activity will be assistance in providing European business with timely, most relevant and high-quality information on economic opportunities and projects in Uzbekistan to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation at all levels. The headquarters of the association will be located in Brussels with a permanent representative office in Tashkent.

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