
Uzbekistan announces tenders for the construction of solar and wind power plants

The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has announced that in the near future there will be announced a tender for the construction of solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 400 MW in Kashkadarya and Fergana regions. The Asian Development Bank (the “ADB”) will provide consultations on tenders under the ADB SOLAR-2 project. 

Currently, the ADB technical consultants are searching for suitable sites and preparing project documents for the tender announcement.

Moreover, in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development under the Karatau wind-2 project, the Ministry of Energy is planning to announce a tender for construction of a 200 MV wind power plant in Karakalpakstan. The tender documents are currently under preparation.

The tenders will be held in two stages:

  • request for qualifications from interested potential investors;
  • submission of bids by the participants.
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