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New changes have been made to the Criminal Code of Turkmenistan
According to the law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of Turkmenistan” signed by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, some changes were made to the country’s Criminal Code. The text of the amendments was published in the Turkmen state press.
Turkmenistan has established an age limit for the powers of judges
President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a law on introducing additions and changes to the country’s Law “On the Court”. The text of the bill was published today in the official Turkmen press.
Turkmen specialists got acquainted with Georgia's experience in the field of forensic examination
The delegation from Turkmenistan, along with other representatives from Central Asian countries, got acquainted with the activities of the forensic institutions of Georgia.
We are pleased to inform you about the publication of the third issue of the international scientific and practical legal journal «Chamber of Arbitrators»
We are pleased to inform you about the publication of the third issue of the international scientific and practical legal journal «Chamber of Arbitrators», which includes two expert materials from the Chinese and Belarusian offices of GRATA International.
Registration for the III International Student Competition «Chamber of Arbitrators - 2023» is open
GRATA International, Belarus is a sponsor of the International student competition on International Trade Law and International Commercial Arbitration «Chamber of Arbitrators» for the third consecutive year.