
All are equal beore the law, but some want to be better

It was impossible to ignore this news, because the requests of our clients for help in solving the issue of fulfilling the annual duty to index wages are still alive in our memory.

The Ministry of Finance may refuse to index the salaries of civil servants next year. This follows from the methodology for calculating the maximum base of Federal budget allocations for the next three years, according to RBK.

It would seem that these are only plans, but on Friday Delovoy Peterburg published an article that: "the Committee on Finance of Saint Petersburg sent a letter to all the chief managers of budget funds (i.e. Smolny committees and districts), where it reported that the 2021 budget "does not provide for indexing" the basic unit used for calculating salaries of employees of state institutions and civil servants."

On the one hand, it's time to be happy, because the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of St. Petersburg have finally decided to save money on themselves, and the "warm" relations between the country's population and officials are known to everyone.

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Author: Miсhael German, Leading lawyer, Head of labour practice

GRATA International, St. Petersburg

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