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New Procedure of Seizure and Provision of Land Plots
On the last day of 2017 the Edict of the President came into force, which brought a lot of new provisions to land legal relations. The most long-awaited provision is that land users, prior to state body’s decisions on forthcoming withdrawal of the land plot for state needs and the demolition of real estate located on it, shall be entitled to use these land plots and exploit and improve the property on it without taking into account town planning regulations regarding restrictions of long-term development of settlements (territories subject to reconstruction, etc.).
New changes in the industrial park “Great Stone”
The changes prescribed by the decision of the Council of Ministers on 31 January 2018 came into force 10 February 2018.
Easy payment of “Google tax”, invoices for import of goods and other taxation changes
Edict No. 29 “On Taxation” signed by the head of state on 25 January 2018 has brought a number of new amendments
Tax on Google. Now in Belarus
On 1 January 2018 Belarus addopted the so-called "tax on Google". This unofficial term in our country is used for VAT in cases when services are rendered by a foreign organization in electronic form and the country of rendering such services is Belarus. For example, it includes provision of rights to software, advertising services on the Internet, provision of domain names, hosting services and some other types of services.
Act on Electromobility
The Act on electromobility and alternative fuels of 11 January 2018 sets out the conditions for the development and rules for the deployment of infrastructure of alternative fuels in transport, as well as the rules for the provision of services for charging electric vehicles and refuelling vehicles powered by natural gas.
New Rules on Suretyships and Guarantees Granted by the State Treasury
The amendment introduced on 24 November 2017 to the act on suretyships and guarantees granted by the State Treasury and certain legal entities introduces into the legal system a new model of financing suretyships and guarantees constituting public aid or de minimis aid granted by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) to micro-entrepreneurs as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.